So I'm moving nicely on my visa documents, although Avalon never interviewed me so I'm starting to spazz slightly. I think somebody from Reach to Teach is going to investigate, which I am forever greatful for.
So Remember Neal, Longtime boyfriend? yeah, Broke up with me. And I was a wreck, I guess I still am, for a few days. And the more I reflect on the fact that I was dumped, the more I realize that I'm not a wreck 100% because I was broken up with. I'm always chill with Relationships, and really, am too young to get settled down (although Neal and I did have something special). I really think I was so upset because for every weekend for over a year, I've spent it with him. And now that thats over, I think it just dawned on me that everything, EVERYTHING, is going to change so drastically. That Neal and I breaking up was just the first in a long line of intense changes in my life, and I guess its harder than I thought to deal with. I'm not having second thoughts, but I guess I was going to be able to just pack up and go. And its harder then I thought it would be.....
On a more comedic note (I guess when life keeps dealing you crap, you really just have to laugh at it)....my car window was smashed in and somebody broke in and stole ONE DOLLAR. The only dollar that was in the car, and nothing else. you know why? I DRIVE A BEAT UP CAR THATS 15 YEARS OLD. Theres nothing to steal! When did this occur? When I was volunteering at a soup kitchen. Lifes about dancing in the rain...
Peace and Love,