Monday, August 16, 2010

Audience Participation Required

Alright People, I need an opinion.

Do I stay in Korea, Get a CELTA and try and find another job, or just go into trying to get another job.

Heres what I'm thinking. I'm over Korea, maybe cause I broke my foot and maybe not, but I'm over it. Its easy enough, but my I don't really like where I work, and don't really care about Korea. I really am itiching to do something new.
So Do I try and get a certificate that'd make me more qualified, and try and get a job from there...or just try and find if I can find another job. Or just stay here, suck it up and save money.
Tell me what to do plz.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, EP! I won't tell you what to do, but I'll say a place is what you make of it. You don't like that job, you can find another one. You don't like this country, there're other countries out there, for sure.

    Think about your priorities, is my advice. If saving money matters, Korea probably has the best deal for the inexperienced teacher. If you want to eat and live like a king, so to speak, China is great--they pay well, but the money isn't worth anything outside of China. If you want to change lives and make a difference, join TFA and teach in the US inner-city. Or become a nurse. If you want a job where the boss never hassles you and is thoroughly competent, the pay is great and they never make absurd demands, and the culture straightforward and sensible--I give up, I'm not sure you can find that one anywhere.

    Anyway, good luck!
