Saturday, December 11, 2010


So I made it to Bangkok, and instead of exploring, I am sitting in my hostel writing to you people. but I did do a little walking around.
First off, I'm running on minimal sleep. Whats up Jetlag? I'm blaming that fact on the reason why I may have wandered 2 hours around nowhere I wanted to be, getting lost, even though I should have known that once I got over the river I was going the wrong direction. whatevs, I have nowhere to be, and nothing to do. I do already know that I want to get to the beach asap.
Without further ado: theres a few first impressions of Thailand

1) Thailand is HOT. I don't mean, oh dear, I'm glad I didn't pack a jacket hot. I mean physically hot, the type of hot that hides behind the door so that when you open it from your temperature controlled room it punches you in the face. Hard. The type of hot where if you aren't drinking a gallon of water an hour you start to feel ill. Not a fun hot, but a I'll do anything to not be outside even though everything is outside. Rough shit, which leads me to observation number 2

2) Thais are cold blooded. Without question. They're sitting outside in Jeans and long shirts and look okay. I'm about to pass out because I'm wearing socks. Its incredible. I don't know how they do it.

3) Pad thai may be the most delicious food of all time. Why I eat anything else is beyond me.

4) I love aircon so much

More to come,

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