Thursday, March 3, 2011

On Homesickness

I know, I know, proper blog posts soon, as soon as I can get into a country that has proper photo-uploading capabilities (IE, Bangkok this week)

One of the questions I get asked most as a backpacker is if I ever get homesick. Each time I say confidently, after your first christmas away, its no big thing. And I realize now, that thats kind of a lie, but its not a constant homesickness, more of a random thing. Like today, when a guide handed me half of a watermelon, all I could think of as I was sitting on a rock on the Mekong is how my mom used to buy heaps of fruit in the summer, and much to her dismay, my father (This is true people) cuts out bite size portions, stabs them with the knife and then eats them. And I was sitting on the rock, after kayaking forever to get to it, I realized it was a day my fater would have enjoyed (even though there was no spear for his watermelon) and I was kind of sad to not be home.
But Home is where the heart is, and my heart is on the road <3

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