This Blog post brought to you by my parents for the plane ticket, and Dan, getting me around and everything else.
This weekend (the 13-15th) was new year so we had it off from work. I took this opportunity to see Dan in Japan. I flew in to Japan around 130pm, and after wandering for a few minutes Dan and I were reuinited! We then started an epically long trip into Tokyo. By epically long, we're talking 80 minutes, but its all gravy, and found our hostel, which was decent enough.
We then took the subway, and I was overly impressed with how complicated it was and how good Dan was at getting around it. We then ate dinner (sushi! YUMMMM) and walked around one of the weirder areas. We went to a neat area and started to drink and watch the opening ceremonies of the olympics before meeting up with Dan's friends and continued to drink.
The next day there was so much sightseeing! We started at Harijuko where the stores were wild (Please note, I did ZERO shopping in Tokyo. Being in a VERY EXPENSIVE city for 72 hours with a boy leads to zero browsing, not that I'm a big shopper)
After sauntering we went to see a shrine, which was peaceful and pretty, even though it was behind a giant Gap? It seemed so far removed from the city and was in the woods. Loverly.
We then went to Dan's exhibition for his martial arts, which was really cool. I've always known he did it, but have never seen it before, so it was neat to see what its about. Very intense!
After that we went to a maid cafe. Goodness Japanese are weird! This place was weird. The decor was so cute and fluffy and rediculous, and there were these girls dressed like French maids that would serve you. On the outside, its one of those cute japanese things, but there were some shady men that were there just having their wierd fantasies. I dont' know.
We then sauntered to the most touristy thing, (I THink, but Dan can correct me) Senso temple. IT was very beautiful. We enjoyed octopus balls, a cold beer, and sat underneath a pagoda, and it was one of those moments you have in your life, when you know you made good choices cause your life is panning out precisily the way you needed it to.
We then jumped on the subway (I have never ridden a subway more than on this trip) and cruised to Tokyo Tower. Sortof, we fell asleep but we DID eventually make it! It was amazing. I've been on top of a lot of towers. BUt Tokyo, nothing makes you feel smaller than standing on top of Tokyo tower. Tokyo is HUGE. MASSIVE! Looking out on all those people, all their lives, all of the life; makes you feel small. It puts life into perspective, and shows you how small in the grand scheme of life you actually are.
After that we went to dinner in Shibuya crossing. You know, that one from lost in Translation and probably one of the busiest in the world. It was pretty hard core, as lights turn green and thousands of people cross in all directions. We ate dinner and drank in Shibuya and there was merriment.
The next morning was my favorite part! We woke up EARLY after going to bed LATE and headed Tsukiji fish market. If you go early enough you see fish being auctioned off and pretty much coming off the boats. The hustle and bustle here was very intense, and despite being so exhausted, very infectious. Nothing says GOODMORNING like a lot of men yelling in Japanese for you to get out of the way, and watching them rip heads of live fish. Yum.
IN the fishmarket there are rows of stalls of restaurants, but we were pretty set on finding the best one. ANd we did. This place was out of this world. You think you've had good sushi? DOn't lie to yourself. You stand in line for a while, although I'm fairly certain that Dan and I had the best line standing experiences for reasons that will not be talked about now, since its a story that you need to hear, as I don't think you'd believe me. But SOMEBODY should use his detective skills to see that there was a LINE. Dan and I are pretty well known for having the best stories and getting in situations where we're both like, WHAT? This was one of them. BUt enough is enough, the sushi was rockin'! So fresh. I just can't describe how good it was. But I feel like my life as a fat kid was to reach this point. My culinary journey though this world is over.
We then sat in starbucks, chatted, ATE CHEESECAKE GLORYBE! and went to electictown (where we spent a lot of time this trip) before it was time for me to run through a trainstation, catch a train and head back to Seoul.
I know this already an epically long post (I didn't even go into detail, so think about how tired I was after this), but heres a few thoughts. Sometimes you walk into a city and you fall in love. London, Boston, Shinoukville, and Tokyo. I love Tokyo. It has such a better vibe than Seoul. Koreas fun, and a good country to kill some time in, but Tokyo? Thats where its at.
There is something to be said for friends. Although we hadn't seen eachother in 6 months, and we were in a different land (well I was) getting in a groove and causing a ruckus like we normally do was natural by the end of the first night. Its weird, cause I said I'd visit Dan in TOkyo, but acutally being there, on top of Tokyo tower looking out on the city, or eating a Blooth Banana make me realize how much I value my friends. It was surreal.
This wasn't a normal EP vacation. NO money shots with my camera (Not even pictures of me and Dan togehter, ohnoes!), no pushing to go see things, no stress, just catching up with my friend (which is really why I was there, although I did love Tokyo sights and culture). I went with no itinerary, but honestly, don't know how that trip would have been better.
Patience and Faith,
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