Monday, February 8, 2010

STOP SKIPPING! Or: How Irish Step dancing and TaeKwonDo are not related at all

Hey Ho!
So I know posts have gotten fewer and further between, but honestly, with the cold, life is pretty routine and although may be interesting to you, is simply too dull to blog about. Something I am up to now (5 days a week mofos!) is Tae Kwon Do. I found a poster in our local bar that advertised "foreigner-friendly" lessons. Now, being in Korea for over 5 months has taught me that "foreigner friendly" anything is an opportunity to be siezed and spent no time roping in Susie and Angela.
Now, For those that know me know that I was an Irish step dancer (NOT a river dancer. An Irish. Step. Dancer!) There are some things that get drilled so hard into your head that its natural reaction years later.

TDK vs Feising!

Hands up in a blocking position? NO WAY. Hands down-hit away!
If you are kicking your toes had better be pointed down. Thanks ISD for making this a natural reaction!
if you are on your toes you better be able to be charged and not pushed over: Ummmm if one foot is in the air the other better be hopping, bouncing, jumping or just as high as it can get.
Feet straight? No sir, I only live in the fifth position!
Power down? You don't win competitions without the fire of feet!

There are heaps more so expect more, but these are what I've thought of. Overall, learning a martial art in its home country is a really cool experience, and its something I really enjoy doing. Its making me feel increasingly empowered-----KACHA!!!

Patience and Faith,

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