So I went to gyeongbokgung this weekend. Its a HUGE palace in center Seoul, well, I guess towards the north west end.
BUT It was my first subway ride where I had to change lines, and I feel confident enough in my abilities in the subway system to call them "my bitch" That right. Whoever said that the system was too complicated to manuever was sadly mistaken. Whatever, I paid my dues being lost in London, Boston and NYC that I should be able to work a subwaysystem by now.
Does the subway here have an affectionate nickname?
But I digress.
What were we talking about?
So yeah, huge palace, that is actually a reconstruction of a palace from when the Japanese burned it down. So rebuilt, and very neat. I don't know how true it is to he origional, but lets pretend like THIS i the origional, cause it makes me happy.
There was a tour in english which is ALWAYS appreciated, thanks Korea!
IT was all in all very interesting. The history of the place was really cool. And the gardens were incredible. There were pagodas and temples and shrines and the like. (Don't worry my non facebook friends-I'll get images on smugmug ASAP, or as soon as I get internetz I'm not leaning out of my window to steal.) And since the images are so large since I took them on my nice camera, its so hard to put them on here.
There were however, big, jaws size fish with weird sucking mouths. We all know how I feel about that. But the palace was actually where king, queen, heir (but no other kids), cocubines and ladies in waiting actually lived, so imagine 700+ people hanging out here. Koreans do enjoy being crowded, although I'm not sure why. Even back then, it seems.
Apparently a queen was murdered here, and although I don't like murder I do love political scandle. I mean, bummer for the king, and shame on you, japanese!
I liked the fact that the first son's chambers were in the east, because he rises like the sun. Very clever, early KOreans!
Anways, the palace ground are huge, and include two museums I'm going to have to go back and see. and at 3,000 won ( 2 bucks) for admission (you can't get better then ROK prices) why not check it out.
Start expecting some observations on life in Korea, life as an Expat and life out of the rat race.

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