Friday, September 18, 2009

Stuff thats Rockin' My world.

Not in a, how did I live without it rock my world type of sense, but in a Are you kidding type of sense.

The first is something I just learned about, so lets talk about it. Fandeath. Is that a band, you may ask. No. Its a CRAZY phobia that the Koreans have. Like a legit crazy, unhealthy phobia. Let me explain.
As you walk through any apartment building you'd be quick to notice that a lot of people's doors are open. For the last few weeks I've been living in the dark, and assuming that people are just social, but because of the language barrier I havn't been chatting. Which is good. Because there doors are open so they don't die. LEgit. They believe that if they leave the fan on with no windows or door open that they will either a)suffocate and die or b) die of either hyper or hypo thermia. And they're obseesed. There are timers on the fans so don't die. If thats not bad enough, some fans come with warnings. Its hilarious. Think I'm making this up?

Another thing is Kimchi. Whats kimchi? Its pickled shit. Quite literally, whatever they can pickle they do and call it kimchi. And eat it with everything. EVERYTHING. Breakfast? Kimchi. Dinner? Kimchi. Midnight snack? Kimchi. Its like "dick in a box" but with some godaweful food. ANd the entire country smells like it. All of the time. Its actually disguesting. But thats not the best part. The best part is that koreans swear by it. They legit believe that they don't catch diseases because of kimchi. Have aids? You're not eating Kimchi. Cancer? Kimchi! They cure diseases with their gross staple food. I mean, Koreas a special place, but this is just bonkers!
KOreans need a reality check.
Theres more, but I'm tired of writing.
Just thought you'd like to know!
Peace and love!
Happy Trails,

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