Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 3

SO I just finished my third week school, and will be here for three FULL weeks on Sunday.
Can you believe it!
Part of me feels like I just got here.
Part of me feels like I'm just on a vacation and I should be checking out of my hotel room.
But most of me feels like I've been here forever.
I mean, on my morning walk to school where I get coffee from the cute girl who I think can only say "americano" in english. or passing the same people every morning, and knowing those people stopped staring at me.
Or going for my nightly jog around the park every day.
Or even my students, who see me in the hallway and immediatly yell to me. Even kids I've only subbed in for a day or two run up to me with their art project and tell me what they've learned that day. I really feel like I've been here for ages. The routine of it all, while never boring is comfortable in its own right, and heaps of fun. I like exploring in my free time, but I like the comfort of my domain too. I guess its nice to feel like you have a home, even if your so far away from everything you know.
It was hard at first, as I came in during the semster when everybody was already friends, and I didn't know anywhere, and I still don't know the language, but it looks like things are going to work out for me. I'm really glad, and thankful to be in Korea, and I don't think I'd give this up for anything.
Patience and faith,

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