Sunday, November 15, 2009

On midnight Runners

So this week my school had 2 midnight runners (not separate events-they planned it together)

What is a midnight runner? SOmebody who pretty much packs up, and leaves with no notice. They don't tell anybody, and nobody knows they're gone until they don't show up at work the next day. This causes extreme chaos in the school, some excitement and a heap load of gossip.

Is it worth it? You burn bridges, get blacklisted from Korea (you will not find a job) and put a lot of stress on your coworkers.
However, in some schools, if you put in a notice, they won't pay you, and probably be incredibly shady.
So in all honesty, its probably easier to just complete your contract; but if your that miserable, I'd just midnight run too. I like to think I'd have more integrety than that, but sometimes you do what you got to.
I personally don't think my job is so bad where I would have to midnight run; especially if you read REAL hagwon horror stories, makes me thankful that I'm not in a sketchy situation. Our hours are long, but really, its a good gig.
But enough of that. Midnight running is really not cool for anybody involved except for the runners, making it a semi-selfish thing to do.
Until next time,
Patience and Faith,

1 comment:

  1. hi...
    this is Albert Yeon.
    actually, i have found you on the skype in looking for new person to be my friend. then i've got your blog and thought you look so good, passionative.
    so.. i send you this letter.

    i hope you be my mutual friend.
    i think... making a nice friend is very
    exciting in living own live you know.
    i can say to you that i am good, passionative man.

    please reply to me when you can answer OK.
    (i live in Seoul, Korea.)

    skype id : euisha
    e mail :
    nateon :
    i look forward to hearing from you soon.
    merry christmas!
