So yesterday I bundled up New England style to brave the cold and go see some lanterns! Throughout this post they'll be highlights, but check out for complete footage.
The lanterns were along the stream, and it was croweded and cold, but worth it for the awesomeness that the festival was. In America, lanterns are something you hang from the ceiling that produce lights. IN AsiaLand, that is not the case. This was a unity and peace festival, so there were lanterns from all over the world. (Americas rep was a jackolantern, it was sad).
Along the stream there were all sorts of lanterns. Some were of various landmarks (Big Ben, the Pyramids of Giza, Ankor Wat etc)
Some were more Asian, like zodiac signs, or tigers, dragons, cranes and other animals in Korean myths.
There was a whole section on technology, space and KOrean heroes.
There was also heaps of shows, including a lantern dance and a drum show.
All in all it was all sorts of cool, and I'm glad I made it out!
Next Time: Adventures of Spidey, Eating:Korea style; and look forward to an excursion this weekend 8)
Also, shout out to my mom! THanks for the care package! Everybody knows that coffee and Kraft make the world go around!!
Patience and Faith,
Me in front of a dragon lantern! A kind Korean man took this for me even though he had trouble with my camera!
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