So last weekend we had a 3 dayer which is always glorious. Heaps of people decided to KTX it down to BUSAN, koreas favorite beach town.
We left early on Friday and got there around noon, where I dropped off my bags and b-lined for the beach. It was glorious. We day drank, layed, put our feet in the water (some when in, it was far too cold!) read the Hobbit and napped.
It was awesome. Nothing can replace a beach day, not even a park day. It seemed that every foreigner in Korea was doing the same thing so there were just heaps of white kids chillin' on a beach. It was kind of nice, cause it was very American It was sunny and hot and perfect and then....
It rained. Not drizzled, not misted. It dumped. For 2 days. 22222 days. 2 out of 3 days of my 3 day weekend. Now you may ask, what do you do in a beach town when it rains? Not a whole lot.
Saturday I woke up later to a bustling hostel. After eating breakfast and chatting with the kids in the hostel, I rolled back to Heundae beach to chill with brad and his friends, and hit the aquarium. I was not impressed by the aquarium, and for my fellow CTn's the Mysic one was significantly nicer. This one did have a SICK shark tank though, but that was the only way it was superior. I do like aquariums, so it was nice to walk around one.
After this I met up with Angela, and we went to visit her Aunt and move her things to the hostel. Our hostel was in the Jagalchi district, next to the fish market so we decided to get dinner here. This was the most traumatizing experience of my life. we're talking LIVE SKINNED EELS SLITHERING AROUND AND FISH HEADS ON PLATES. I kid you not people. It was aweful. the dinner was solid, but throw me a bone! We hung out in Jagalchi for the night and explored a little bit. It was a special area. It was fun, and I guess where PIFF takes place, so I may go check that out.
Sunday we woke up to even MORE rain, if that is possible. We went back to Busan station, ate lunch and took the KTX home. I love Busan, but its just not as fun in the rain. I was so glad to be back!
All in all it was a grand weekend, and I caught up with a few of my friends. That was our last day off until July though :(
On the next edition;
Beasting seoraksan National park
and maybe some learning Korean...
Patience and Faith, and an umbrella,