So last week our school took our kids to Aiine's World. This was a park with famous scenes from around the world in minature form. YOU try explaining some of this to 5 year olds. We got on a bus and drove to Incheon (about 40 minutes from Anyang)
We ate some snacks and then we went to a magic show, where I entertained kids with my Kpop singing and dancing. We then walked around the park looking at things. They had minature all sorts of things. I tried explaing what they were looking at (pyramids, maccu piccu, New York City etc).
The best quote of the day was when we were looking at a mini white house. I was talking to one of my more intelligent students, James. I said, this is where Barack Obama, president, or America Teacher lives. Washinton DC. Hes like Lee Myung-Bak.
James looked at me and said "Erin....American teacher, SO SMALL"
I just don't think that my kids could grasp that there are things that are not in Korea. It was so funny though.
After running around all day we went back to school for lunch, and we played in the sun on the roof. All in all, although I highly doubt my kids got anything out of it, it was a good day. It was kind of fun watching my kids be able to be kids, by running around and acting their age, instead of doing reading and phonics. They are a lot of fun.
Until next time,
Patience, Faith and a little bit of destruction!
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