Yesterday in one of my many adventures we were lurking Iteawon, a foreign friendly district where we saw THIS:
Yeah, thats a 13,000 won box of MacandCheese. 13,000 won=about 12USD for ONE BOX OF CHESSE. SO this is why I am so thankful when you folk think of me and send me things!
I thought this was fitting due to the conversation I had with my mom about how CRAZY everything is that comes from the west. So you can get almost anyting in Seoul, if your willing to sell your....soul. Bahaha.
On the next Edition of EPsHinS:
Children's Day Shinnenigans
Breakfast in Seoul
Happy Cinco De Mayo! (well, here its the Seis de Mayo!)
Patience and Faith,
dayuummmnnn that's a lot of dough right there...last time I picked those up in Sinchon they were 4500 won a packet and that already made me think twice about picking them up...I ended up buying one and saving it for a week but then looking at the shiny box every day eventually wore down my resistance...mmm kraft's mac and cheese...nothing better on a rough day!