So after I rested up from the temple tour, I was lounging in the hostel skyping and such, when I realize on the big facebook, Anna writes 'last day in Bangkok" Remember Anna, from Xi'an, china? well, I do, and her and Dexter are the only people I know in Bangkok, so after some internet chatter we end up meeting up! STOKED. Anna nad Dexter are good friends to have, as not only are they well traveled, interesting, and fun, they are always, always up for getting at least a beer.
After getting some beer, I realize they're in bangkok for about as long as I am. We decide to meet the next morning for breakfast, coffee and a trip to the US embassay, "which should take no time at all" as I have to get some more pages taped in ( a fact that I'm quite proud of). Anna, being the brilliant traveler she is suggests that we take the boat down river, the train from there and walk, which is really the most efficiant way of doing it, and honestly, I'm so stoked for company at this point, I'm game. We walk towards the peir, getting coffee on the way (here they put Sweetened condensed milk instead of cream and sugar, and its gods gift to me, I swear. Try it. It. Is. Amazing.)
We take the boat down, get some shitty lunch, and are in a different part of bangkok and it is lame. I guess its a city, and people have to live and work somewhere, but this place sucks. We walk past richpeople land, with 4 seasons and prada stores, onto Embassay row, where we roll into the US embassay and they say its going to BE AN HOUR. for them to tape some pages in there! WHAT. We hang out in the embassay instead of exploring the park even though its reminiscent of the DMV. Why? Have you not been paying attention? AIR CONDITIONING PEOPLE. We end up going back to Khao Son Rd, getting thai massages, buying thai pants (read: loose pj pants which are acceptable to wear anywhere...I bought some with bells on them. BEST. DECISION. EVER) Eating bangin' Israeli food, walking etc. It was swell.
So, for quite possibly the most amusing stories of my travels so far
Then we start drinking, in the heat, on empty stomaches. So, background information, there are these old ladies, in bizzare hats, selling really fucking annoying wodden frogs that make frog noises. Its aweful. After a beer, I'm kinda annoyed but see this woman in a bright, weird hat. I have more than 10 cents on me, so convince her to sell me the hat and a frog for 6 usd (seriosuly, I found 6 usd in my pocket and gave it to her. Kinda ripped off, but I decided to make it WELL worth it). After more beer, I then continue up and down the streets, waiting for frog ladies. They're annoying, they come up to you in resturants, bars, wherever and try to get you. I wait until they're preying on people enjoying their beer and go up in my hat, with my beer and frog and try to get them to buy my frog. In the states I may have gotten punched in the face. Here, people were diggin' it. I made friends with the foreigners who thought I was insane, but a riot, and the Thais (especially the frog ladies) who thought i was crazy, but were into it after a while. Best. 6 bucks. EVER.
We went back to the truck bar in the street, which was awesome, and chatted with the owner,who was really great guy. He was super interesing (an engineer by day) and kinda living the dream. We said goodbye as anna had to wake up to catch a 6 am flight, which is sad. I loved seeing them again, but know that since we're all world walkers, this won't be the last time.
So thats my Bangkok experience. Not a lot of sight-seeing, but a lot of awesome.
I'm going to try to keep this blog rocking on a pretty regular basis, with details and shit (mostly so I can read them later and remember) and try to include hostel reviews, etc etc. So if theres anything you want to see more of, see less of, or anything else, comment or e-mail me, (all 5 of you that read this)
Take care,
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