Today, Sky (yes, that IS his name) and I end up going to the largest market in Seasia! It was ridiculous. 40 acres of anything you can imagine. Souviners? You got it. Puppies? Sure. Butcher cleavers? Hopefully not for the puppies…It was the largest market I’ve ever been to, and it was hectic. I bought a few braclets since I try to get one from everywhere, and mainly just walked around. You couldn’t haggle that well, so that’s sad, but it was wild. Really really neat. But since it was over 100 degrees, there was only so much we could take before the crankiness set in. We got back, I jumped in the shower, and napped since that’s what I do. I went to dinner and chatted with some old guy for a while who loved me cause his dauter’s name is Jessica Erin and went out for a few beers before skyping the trusted council to regal them with tales. Soon, the group comes in, railin’ about how they’re going to a ping pong show, and I jump at the opportunity. The night got crazy, riding in a tuk tuk to patpong, which was insane, meeing up with Denis, watching a woman shoot darts at balloons with her vagina, getting kicked out of said show, Chang thirty, and headed home. Bizzare day to say the least.
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