Thursday, March 10, 2011

This is why people pay somebody to do it....

Today was Embassy day, the only reason I’m in BKK. I wake up early put on a dress and head to the Myanmar embassy. This place made the DMV look like a joy. After getting barked at cause I was in the wrong line, I waited in line when I saw it…somebody with a letter with the same letter head as me. I immediately ask him if hes working for the school I am, and HE IS. And so is another girl. I’m so lucky I found people to make this hellish experience the least bit bearable. It was hectic, and something that in a normal place would take 15 minutes soon took 3.5 hours. We opted for same day, since my day was shot to hell already, and we may as well. So Hannah, the girl I met and went back to Kohsan where I could shower, only to head back out, and pick up my shiny new visa! Go to the doctor to get my gnarly bites looked at, looks like I’ll make it through the day. Doctor was grossed out though….thanks Laos. Abtibiotics to get rid of the nasty infections!

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